Adaptation to Climate Change through improved water demand management in irrigated agriculture by introduction of new technologies and best agricultural practices
ACCBAT aims at reducing the use of fresh, good quality water in irrigated agriculture, in order to preserve it for direct human consumption. Improvement of water demand management and increase of water resources availability, through re-use of urban treated wastewater, are the two main approaches chosen to reach the objectives of the project, as good practice in countries subject to water scarcity events and as mitigation measures to the impacts of global climate change. International experts will support training and research activities, and contribute to final dissemination of results.
The project ACCBAT total budget is 4,99 million Euro and it is financed, for an amount of 4,49 million Euro (90%), by the European Union (ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme) through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument.
Home / ACCBAT Project Presentation at the workshop on "Reuse of Treated Wastewater: Issues and Perspectives" in Tunis.
ACCBAT Project Presentation at the workshop on "Reuse of Treated Wastewater: Issues and Perspectives" in Tunis.