Enhance public awareness on water saving, the reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture, and environmental issues
- Establishment of a Project web-site
- preparation of dissemination materials related to water saving, reuse of tww, and environmental issues focusing on different target groups
- invitation of civil society actors and decision makers to project events (farmers field days, seminars/workshops, classes)
- preparation of presentations and publications derived from the project results
- dissemination of project results through local and regional print and broadcast media
- preparation and distribution of final report to all interested stakeholders
Expected outputs:
- Project web-site established and regularly updated
- 30 field visits and information sessions for schools, universities, and municipality council members at the pilot sites (10 / country)
- 3.000 copies of brochures distributed
- 300 copies of project final report published and delivered
- Acceptance of use of tww in agricultural by the general public