Training of engineers and technicians of the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture on fertigation
From May 4th to 7th , in Essaida Manouba near Tunis, the third cycle of training for officers of the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture organized by ICU and the Ministry in the framework of the ACCBAT project have been realized.
The training took place at the Centre Technique de Pomme de Terre et d’Artichaut (CTPTA) addressing the theme of fertigation with the aim to train engineers and officers of the central and peripheral structures of the Ministry of Agriculture on this innovative technique in irrigated agriculture.
Three participants from each governorate with 72 guests and some technicians of the project participated in the training.
A first cycle and theoretical and practical training for 60 public officers (trainers and engineers of various CRDA – Regional Centres for Agricultural Development) took place in May 2014 addressing the issues of needs in water of different crops, pilot irrigation and localized irrigation. A second training session was held in October on surface irrigation techniques, sprinkler irrigation and drainage.
An additional training session on the use of treated wastewater in agriculture is scheduled for September 2015.
“Corriere di Tunisi” newspaper: news on this cycle of training (in italian)
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