Coordination with the project Water Scarcity and Water Cooperation (WSWC)
Spreading ACCBAT objectives and experience to Italian university students
Pisa 12th May 2014 – Bari 3rd June 2014
ICU is leading seminars in many Italian universities where opportunities and experiences collected in cooperation projects like ACCBAT are illustrated to university students. This activity is performed in the frame of the WSWC project.
Apprenticeships in partners countries are strongly encouraged: on this aspect, ICU and Bari Politecnico (meaning a scientific-technological university) have signed an agreement to offer to Politecnico students the chance to train on the field in south-mediterranean countries Lebanon, Jordan and Tunisia, where ICU is coordinating some of its projects, as ACCBAT.
Below you can fine two press releases, in italian, on the two events.
The seminar held on the 12th May 2014 at Pisa University