Tuesday, June 9, 2015, as part of the strategic project ACCBAT, a visit to the pilot site for irrigation with treated wastewater was held in…

27/05/2015 – On 26 May, the ACCBAT project was presented by its coordinator Mr. Errighi, to the participants of the workshop on “Reuse of Treated…

The proceedings of the 2nd international conference of the ACCBAT project, held in Rome (Italy) on March 23rd 2015, are now available, in english. Proceedings…

World Bank representatives and the Tunisian Minister of Agriculture express their appreciation for the ACCBAT project On the occasion of the workshop on the intensification…

From May 4th to 7th , in Essaida Manouba near Tunis, the third cycle of training for officers of the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture organized…

In April, two series of theoretical and practical training for farmers, in the framework of the ACCBAT project have been realized by ICU in Tunisia…

http://www.reterurale.it/flex/cm/pages/ServeBLOB.php/L/IT/IDPagina/14930 http://www.enpicbcmed.eu/communication/save-water-reuse-water-accbat-project-organises-international-conference-under-un-worl http://www.fidaf.it/index.php/event/roma-23-marzo-2015-savewaterreusewater-the-accbat-strategic-project/ http://sito.entecra.it/portale/cra_avviso.php?id=14572&lingua=IT https://twitter.com/enpicbcmed/status/578197472247435264 http://www.adnkronos.com/fatti/pa-informa/economia/2015/03/23/conferenza-internazionale-savewaterreusewater-the-accbat-strategic-project-roma-marzo_nUps46mDqRKBDRpQdZtDlL.html http://www.emwis.org/thematicdirs/news/2015/03/save-water-reuse-water-international-conference-promote-water-efficiency https://www.facebook.com/EUDelegationLebanon/posts/805311189558216 http://www.iltempo.it/roma-capitale/2015/03/25/per-la-giornata-mondiale-1.1395321 http://ambiente-plus.it/accbat-efficienza-idrica-nel-mediterraneo/

Second International Conference of the ACCBAT Strategic Project: Mediterranean Institutions discuss on water management in the framework of the WWD 2015. Monday, March 23rd 2015,…

The ACCBAT Second International Conference in Rome. Institutions and experts dialogue in the framework of the World Water Day 2015 and under the patronage of…

Nabeul (Tunisia), Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 Press Release – English version International Conference Agenda 1st Conference – Press release – italian version Ansamed-Press release (italian)…