In 1992 the Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development set out recommendations for action at local, national and international levels, based on guiding principles….

Water is life! It is a precondition for human, animal and plant life as well as an indispensable resource for the economy. Water also plays…

Population growth-climate change-pollution are increasing pressures on water resources.
Fresh water resources are finite, while world human population is growing exponentially, and consequently water demand. Climate change is statistically rising the number of catastrophic…

Irrigated agriculture is the sector with by far the largest consumptive water use and water withdrawal. Irrigated agriculture is very important, since it improves the…

Water collected in urban sewage systems can be treated at different degrees, in order to reach specific quality requirements. If correctly treated, therefore, it can…

Good management of water resources helps increasing agricultural production
By studying specific water requirements of crops in relation to local soil and climate conditions, and vegetative stage, it’s possible to optimise irrigation timings and…